Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Problem And the Solution

The problem with sweatshops is that they are pure exploitation of lower class workers by the upper classes.  These workers are paid anywhere from $0.26 to $0.44 an hour. Much of the time they are also forced to work overtime, 60-100 hour weeks are common in China. Many workers may only get one or two days off a month, sometimes less. Children start working in the sweatshops to help support their families when they are as young as 6 years old because an adult's salary is not enough to support the entire family.  Many companies ignore labor laws for fair treatment and prevention of child labor in order to get the biggest payday. 46%-75% of suppliers have been caught submitting false payroll records in the past four years. Only 20% comply with wage rules and 5% obey hour limitations.  Often times, there is no enforcement for the laws as suppliers pay inspectors more then the government that they work for (Source drawn from: Roberts, Dexter, and Pete Engardio. "Secrets, Lies, And Sweatshops." BusinessWeek - Business News, Stock Market & Financial Advice. 27 Nov. 2006. Web. 14 Dec. 2010.).

The only way to fight these cruelties is to get active in our own government to fight for rules and regulations.  There is near to no way to shop and avoid sweatshop labor.  We have to turn to those in power and demand that they require fair treatment and compensation for all workers.  The entire world also must unite under world labor unions to protect workers.  Just sitting by as we are now does nothing.

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