Monday, December 13, 2010

Nike Sweatshops - Never say Never

This a video posted to youtube by nikesweatshop depicting the state that workers for Nike are suffering through.  A comment on the video by zenmachinefilms says this,
 "I did advertising contract work for Nike a few years ago. This video is correct. They are like the worst excesses of Wall Street. Their goal is to make their already filthy rich CEO, board of directors and shareholders even more filthy rich.
Nike calls sweatshops "opportunity' and presents a false dilemma to support that. This isn't an either/or of either near-slave labor, or no work for these people. There are many other ways, despite what they'll tell you"  (Source drawn from Nikesteatshop. "YouTube - Nike Sweatshops - Never Say Never." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. 19 Jan. 2009. Web. 08 Dec. 2010).

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