Thursday, December 9, 2010


Here is a Korean child laborer working for technological company.

"#84 Child Labor « Stuff Asian People Like - Asian Central." Asian Central Social Network - For Asian-Fanatics, Travelers, Vacationers, Backpackers, and More! 29 July 2008. Web. 09 Dec. 2010.
This picture is of KYE Systems' workers in Dongguan, China.  They make computer objects such as keyboards, webcams, speakers for PCs (Source drawn from: Welcome to KYE Web. Web. 10 Dec. 2010.").  They live on site, work fifteen hour days, and have no bathroom breaks during their shifts.

Picture: "Microsoft And Chinese Sweatshops |" Stock Market Opinion and Analysis, Breaking News, Stocks Quotes, Earnings Estimates. 18 Apr. 2010. Web. 10 Dec. 2010.

Here is some of the Chinese workers who make Barbie toys for the Mattel company.  They work through 80 hour work weeks, twice as much as American "full time" workers.

Clark, Eric. "Mattel's Real Toy Story: Slave Labour in Sweatshops | Mail Online." Home | Mail Online. 16 Aug. 2010. Web. 10 Dec. 2010.
Pictured here is a protest group with the Playfair 2008, a group that was protesting at the Athens Olympic games against the use of sweatshop companies for Olympic products.
Sandborn, Tom. "The Tyee – Can Vancouver Fend off Olympics Sweatshops?" The Tyee – Home. 20 June 2007. Web. 10 Dec. 2010. 
 Pictured here are some of the 31 slave labourers who worked for a Chinese brickwork factory after their rescue.  They worked 20 unpaid hours with only bread and water given for their work.  Many suffered painful burns from the work, and eight of the workers came out so traumatized that only remembered their names.  The factory was located in the province Shanxi.

Bristow, Michael. "BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | 'Slaves' Rescued from China Firm." BBC News - Home. 8 June 2007. Web. 10 Dec. 2010.

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